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Traian Băsescu, scrisoare către Trump

Un număr de 17 lideri europeni au trimis, luni, o scrisoare președintelui Statelor Unite ale Americii pentu a-i cere păstrarea obiectivelor Alianței NATO și o politică de descurajare a ofensivei Rusiei în Europa. Doi români se numără printre semnatarii scrisorii: Traian Băsescu și Iulian Fota.

Scrisoarea către Donald Trump a fost semnată printre alții de Traian Băsescu, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, fost președinte al Estoniei, Carl Bildt, fost premier și ministru de Externe al Suediei, Radosław Sikorski, fost ministru de Externe al Poloniei, sau Rosen Plevneliev, președintele în funcție al Bulgariei.
În textul scrisorii se arată că că diminuarea sau anularea sancțiunile aplicate Rusiei ar pune în pericol securitatea și stabilitatea pe care europenii și americanii au creat-o după Războiul Rece.
”În calitate de aliați, facem un apel la noua administrație SUA și la Congres să fie fermi în apărarea obiectivelor și intereselor noastre comune: pacea, relația transatlantică și libertatea”, se precizează in conținutul srisorii.

Redăm mai jos întreaga scrisoare, așa cum a fost ea redactată de personalitatile europene.

Letter to President-elect Donald J. Trump from America’s Allies
January 9, 2017
President-elect Donald J. Trump
Trump-Pence Transition Team
1717 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20006

Dear President-elect Trump:
We—decision-makers and public figures from across Europe—welcome your election as
America’s 45th president. We are eager to work with your administration to sustain our powerful
transatlantic Alliance, jointly defending our way of life at a time of great peril.
Russia’s continuing efforts to destabilize Ukraine, and its illegal annexation of Crimea, threaten
the peace, predictability and security that Americans and Europeans created together through our
victory in the Cold War. We are concerned that the prospect of a new grand bargain with Russia
will endanger this historic achievement. It would be a grave mistake to end the current sanctions on Russia or accept the division and
subjugation of Ukraine. Doing so would demoralize those seeking a Euro-Atlantic orientation for
that country. It would also destabilize our Eastern neighborhood economically and give heart to
extremist, oligarchic and anti-Western elements there.
The wider damage would be grave too.The aftershocks of such a deal would shake American
credibility with allies in Europe and elsewhere.The rules-based international order on which
Western security has depended for decades would be weakened.The alliances that are the true
source of American greatness would erode: countries that have expended blood, treasure and
political capital in support of transatlantic security will wonder if America is now no longer a
dependable friend.
Have no doubt: Vladimir Putin is not America’s ally. Neither is he a trustworthy international
partner. Both of the presidents who preceded you tried in their own ways to deal with Russia’s
leadership in the spirit of trust and friendship. Big mistake: Putin treated their good intentions as
Under Putin, Russia’s record of militarism, wars, threats, broken treaties and false promises have
made Europe a more dangerous place. Putin does not seek American greatness. As your allies,
we do. ​When America called on us in the past, we came. We were with you in Iraq. We were
with you in Afghanistan. We took risks together; sacrificed sons and daughters together. We
defend our shared transatlantic security as a united front. This is what makes our Alliance
powerful. When the United States stands strong, we are all stronger—together.
A deal with Putin will not bring peace. On the contrary, it makes war more likely. Putin views
concessions as a sign of weakness. He will be inclined to test American credibility in frontline
NATO allies, such as Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. He may use not only military
intimidation, but also cyber-attacks, energy and economic pressure, espionage, psychological
warfare, disinformation and the targeted use of bribery. As Russia’s neighbors, we are familiar
with these techniques. Countering them requires greater strength, solidarity and resolve from the
West—not more accommodation.
As your treaty-bound allies, we appeal to Americans in the new U.S. Administration and
Congress to stand firm in the defense of our common goals and interests: peace, Atlantic
strength, and freedom. United, we are more than a match for Russia’s ailing kleptocracy.
Divided, as we have seen all too clearly in recent years, we are all at risk. For decades, our
unified Alliance has been the bulwark of European security. We appeal to our American friends
to strengthen, not weaken our transatlantic ties. Ukraine needs support; the frontline states need
your constancy and resolve. And most of all, Russia must see that when we are attacked, we
grow stronger, not weaker.

Traian Băsescu
Paweł Kowal
Carl Bildt
Janusz Onyszkiewicz
Mikuláš Dzurinda
Rosen Plevneliev
Mátyás Eörsi
Karel Schwarzenberg
Iulian Fota
Radosław Sikorski
István Gyarmati
Petras Vaitiekūnas
Toomas Hendrik Ilves
Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga
Rasa Juknevičienė
Alexandr Vondra
Ojārs Ēriks Kalniņš

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