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Presa portugheză: O asistentă de 41 de ani a murit subit, la 2 zile după ce s-a vaccinat cu Pfizer. Nu suferise reacții adverse

O asistentă medicală din Portugalia a murit subit la două zile după ce a fost vaccinată anti covid 19, informează RTL.
Cauzele exacte ale decesului asistentei nu au fost încă stabilite, dar autoritățile medicale  speră că vor fi stabilite în timpul autopsiei.
Institutul Portughez de Ocncologie (IPO)  a confirmat „moartea subită” a asistentei, la două zile după administrarea vaccinului, dar a precizat că nu au fost observate efecte adverse.
Femeia, în vârstă de 41 de ani, a fost vaccinată împotriva Covid-19 pe 30 decembrie și a murit pe chiar de Anul Nou, relatează Jornal de Notícias.
Potrivit Correio da Manhã, asistenta lucra în cadrul departamentului de pediatrie al IPO. Ea se număra printre cei 538 de angajați ai institutului care au primit vaccinul, adică aproximativ 24% dintre cei vaccinați la IPO.
Pentru cei care ar putea crede  că aceste știri sunt „fake news” , iată încă  o sursă din Portugalia pe care o reproducem și în limba engleză mai jos.
Asistenta a fost identificată ca Sónia MIcaela Azevedo (în foto), mamă a doi copii. Site-ul portughez citat subliniază că știrea nu a fost reflectată absolut deloc la televiziunile de știri.
Potrivit profilului ei de Facebook, ultima știre a femeii, din 31 decembrie 2020, a fost că s-a vaccinat cu vaccinul Comirnaty al Pfizer-BioNTech.
Funeraliile asistentei de 41 de ani au fost anunțate AICI.

Iată și traducerea în engleză de care scriam mai sus:

”Death of pediatric assistant two days after receiving Covid vaccine puts Portuguese health authorities ‘on alert’
Health authorities in Portugal today are described as „on the alert” following the so far unexplained death of a 41-year-old pediatric operational assistant two days after she received her first dose of the Covid vaccine.

The woman, so far unidentified beyond her age and professional situation (see update below), died in bed on New Year’s Day.

According to tabloid reports her body was discovered by her partner when he returned home from a trip to the shops.

The partner „called for help and a VMER (medical reanimation team) was dispatched. Efforts ensued to resuscitate the victim „without success”.

The woman was one of 538 health professionals at Porto’s IPO cancer hospital who received their first jabs of the BioNTech/ Pfizer vaccine last Wednesday.

In a statement to the press, the hospital has confirmed the woman „received the vaccine on December 30, no undesirable effect having been notified, neither at the moment of vaccination nor on the subsequent days. Clarification of cause of death will follow the habitual procedures for these circumstances”.

An autopsy is scheduled to take place tomorrow (Monday), at which point further information will be forthcoming.

Says Correio da Manhã tabloid, there is no indication that the woman had „any illness or health complication”.

Offered „heartfelt condolences” to the woman’s family and friends, the IPO statement said her loss to what it described as ‘sudden death’ „is equally felt at IPO Porto”.


The woman has now been identified as mother-of-two Sónia Azevedo who had dined with her family the night of New Year’s Eve, and been in what appears to have been ‘perfect health’.

She left after the dinner to visit her boyfriend in Maia (where she was found dead in bed the next morning).

According to her grief-stricken and utterly bewildered father: „she never drank alcohol, didn’t eat anything special or out of the ordinary” and was a „well and happy” individual who had been so proud of having been among the first to be vaccinated, that she had actually shared a photograph of the fact over social media.

Sónia Azevedo’s daughter Vânia Figueiredo told Correio da Manhã: „We don’t know what happened. It all happened quickly and with no explanation. I didn’t notice anything different in my mother. She was fine. She just said that the area where she had been vaccinated hurt, but that’s normal…”

The dead woman’s father Abílio told the paper: „I want to know what caused my daughter’s death”.

This story was not discussed to any degree on last night’s television news. The result of the autopsy scheduled for today has not yet been publicised. (written on Monday January 4 13.10)”.

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